Commands API Reference#


class lightbulb.commands.base.ApplicationCommand(app: app_.BotApp, initialiser: CommandLike)[source]#

Abstract base class for all application command types.

abstract as_create_kwargs() Dict[str, Any][source]#

Converts this class into a dictionary of kwargs required by create_application_command.


Kwargs required in order to create the command.

Return type:

Dict[str, Any]

async create(guild: int | None = None) PartialCommand[source]#

Creates the command in the guild with the given ID, or globally if no guild ID was provided.


guild (Optional[int]) – ID of the guild to create the command in, or None if to create globally.


Created hikari Command object.

Return type:


async delete(guild: int | None) None[source]#

Deletes the command in the guild with the given ID, or globally if no guild ID was provided.


guild (Optional[int]) – ID of the guild to delete the command in, or None if to delete globally.



property guilds: Sequence[int]#

The guilds that this command is available in.

instances: t.Dict[t.Union[int, None], hikari.PartialCommand]#

Mapping of guild ID to created hikari PartialCommand objects for this command.

property signature: str#

The command’s text signature.

class lightbulb.commands.base.Command(app: app_.BotApp, initialiser: CommandLike)[source]#

Abstract base class for all command types.

  • app (BotApp) – The BotApp instance that the command is registered to.

  • initialiser (CommandLike) – The CommandLike object to create the command from.

async evaluate_checks(context: context_.base.Context) bool[source]#

Evaluate the command’s checks under the given context. This method will either return True if all the checks passed, or it will raise CheckFailure.

async evaluate_cooldowns(context: context_.base.Context) None[source]#

Evaluate the command’s cooldown under the given context. This method will either return None if the command is not on cooldown or raise errors.CommandIsOnCooldown.

get_help(context: context_.base.Context) str[source]#

Get the help text for the command under the given context. This method calls the help getter provided by the set_help decorator. An empty string will be returned if no help getter function was set.


context (Context) – Context to get the help text under.


Command’s help text.

Return type:


async invoke(context: context_.base.Context, **kwargs: t.Any) None[source]#

Invokes the command under the given context. All checks, cooldowns and concurrency limits will be processed prior to invocation.

property aliases: Sequence[str]#

The aliases for the command. This value means nothing for application commands.

app: app_.BotApp#

The BotApp instance the command is registered to.

property app_command_bypass_author_permission_checks: bool#

Whether invocations of this command as an application command will bypass author permission checks.

property app_command_default_member_permissions: Permissions | None#

The default member permissions for this command, as an application command.

property app_command_dm_enabled: bool#

Whether this command, as an application command, is enabled in DMs.

property auto_defer: bool#

Whether to automatically defer the response when the command is invoked.

property bot: app_.BotApp#

Alias for app

property callback: CommandCallbackT#

The callback function for the command.

property check_exempt: t.Callable[[context_.base.Context], t.Union[bool, t.Coroutine[t.Any, t.Any, bool]]]#

Check exempt predicate to use for the command.

property checks: t.Sequence[t.Union[checks.Check, checks._ExclusiveCheck]]#

The checks for the command.

property cooldown_manager: t.Optional[cooldowns.CooldownManager]#

The cooldown manager instance to use for the command.

property default_ephemeral: bool#

Whether to send responses from this command as ephemeral messages by default.

property description: str#

The description of the command.

property description_localizations: Mapping[Locale | str, str]#

A mapping of locale to description localizations for this command

New in version 2.3.0.

property error_handler: t.Optional[t.Callable[[events.CommandErrorEvent], t.Coroutine[t.Any, t.Any, t.Optional[bool]]]]#

The error handler function for the command.

property hidden: bool#

Whether the command should be hidden from the help command.

property inherit_checks: bool#

Whether the command should inherit checks from the parent group.

property is_subcommand: bool#

Boolean representing whether this object is a subcommand.

property max_concurrency: t.Optional[t.Tuple[int, t.Type[buckets.Bucket]]]#

The max concurrency rule for the command.

property name: str#

The name of the command.

property name_localizations: Mapping[Locale | str, str]#

A mapping of locale to name localizations for this command

New in version 2.3.0.

property nsfw: bool#

Whether the command should only be enabled in NSFW channels.

For prefix commands, this will add an NSFW-channel only check to the command automatically. For slash commands, this will behave as specified in the Discord documentation.

New in version 2.3.1.

property options: MutableMapping[str, OptionLike]#

The options for the command.

parent: t.Optional[Command]#

The parent for the command.

property parser: t.Optional[t.Type[parser_.BaseParser]]#

The argument parser to use for prefix commands.

property pass_options: bool#

Whether the command will have its options passed as keyword arguments when invoked.

property plugin: t.Optional[plugins.Plugin]#

The plugin that the command belongs to.

property qualname: str#

The qualified name for the command.

abstract property signature: str#

The command’s text signature.

class lightbulb.commands.base.CommandLike(callback: CommandCallbackT, name: str, description: str, options: t.MutableMapping[str, OptionLike] = _Nothing.NOTHING, checks: t.Sequence[t.Union[checks.Check, checks._ExclusiveCheck]] = _Nothing.NOTHING, error_handler: t.Optional[t.Callable[[events.CommandErrorEvent], t.Coroutine[t.Any, t.Any, t.Optional[bool]]]] = None, aliases: t.Sequence[str] = _Nothing.NOTHING, guilds: hikari.UndefinedOr[t.Sequence[int]] = UNDEFINED, subcommands: t.List[CommandLike] = _Nothing.NOTHING, parser: t.Optional[t.Type[parser_.BaseParser]] = None, cooldown_manager: t.Optional[cooldowns.CooldownManager] = None, help_getter: t.Optional[t.Callable[[Command, context_.base.Context], str]] = None, auto_defer: bool = False, ephemeral: bool = False, check_exempt: t.Optional[t.Callable[[context_.base.Context], t.Union[bool, t.Coroutine[t.Any, t.Any, bool]]]] = None, hidden: bool = False, inherit_checks: bool = False, pass_options: bool = False, max_concurrency: t.Optional[t.Tuple[int, t.Type[buckets.Bucket]]] = None, app_command_default_member_permissions: t.Optional[hikari.Permissions] = None, app_command_dm_enabled: bool = True, app_command_bypass_author_permission_checks: bool = False, name_localizations: t.Mapping[t.Union[hikari.Locale, str], str] = _Nothing.NOTHING, description_localizations: t.Mapping[t.Union[hikari.Locale, str], str] = _Nothing.NOTHING, nsfw: bool = False)[source]#

Generic dataclass representing a command. This can be converted into any command object.

autocomplete(opt1: str, *opts: str) Callable[[AutocompleteCallbackT], AutocompleteCallbackT][source]#

Second order decorator that registers a function as an autocomplete callback for this command.

The autocomplete callback must be an asynchronous function that takes exactly two arguments: option (an instance of hikari.interactions.command_interactions.AutocompleteInteractionOption) which is the option being autocompleted, and interaction (an instance of hikari.interactions.command_interactions.AutocompleteInteraction) which is the interaction that triggered the autocomplete.

Autocomplete can only be enabled for options with type str, int, or float.

The callback should return one of the following: a single item of the option type, a sequence of items of the option type, a single hikari.commands.CommandChoice, or a sequence of hikari.commands.CommandChoice.

  • opt1 (str) – Option that this callback will do autocomplete for.

  • *opts (str) – Additional options that this callback will do autocomplete for.


@lightbulb.option("foo", "bar", autocomplete=True)
async def foo(ctx: lightbulb.Context) -> None

@foo.autocomplete("foo")  # Name of the option you want to autocomplete
async def foo_autocomplete(
    opt: hikari.AutocompleteInteractionOption, inter: hikari.AutocompleteInteraction
) -> Union[str, Sequence[str], hikari.api.AutocompleteChoiceBuilder, Sequence[hikari.api.AutocompleteChoiceBuilder]]:
child() Callable[[CommandLike], CommandLike][source]#
child(cmd_like: CommandLike) CommandLike

Registers a CommandLike object as a child to this command. This can be used as a first or second order decorator, or called manually with the CommandLike instance to add as a child.


async def foo(ctx: lightbulb.Context) -> None:

# Valid
async def foo_child(event: lightbulb.Context) -> None:

# Also valid
async def foo_child(event: lightbulb.Context) -> None:

# Also valid
async def foo_child(event: lightbulb.Context) -> None:

set_error_handler() Callable[[ErrorHandlerCallbackT], ErrorHandlerCallbackT][source]#
set_error_handler(func: ErrorHandlerCallbackT) ErrorHandlerCallbackT

Registers a coroutine function as an error handler for this command. This can be used as a first or second order decorator, or called manually with the function to register.


async def foo(ctx: lightbulb.Context) -> None:

# Valid
async def foo_error_handler(event: lightbulb.CommandErrorEvent) -> bool:

# Also valid
async def foo_error_handler(event: lightbulb.CommandErrorEvent) -> bool:

# Also valid
async def foo_error_handler(event: lightbulb.CommandErrorEvent) -> bool:

aliases: t.Sequence[str]#

The aliases for the command. This only affects prefix commands.

app_command_bypass_author_permission_checks: bool#

Whether invocations of this command will bypass author permission checks, if an application command.

New in version 2.2.3.

app_command_default_member_permissions: t.Optional[hikari.Permissions]#

The default member permissions for this command, if an application command.

New in version 2.2.3.

app_command_dm_enabled: bool#

Whether this command will be enabled in DMs, if an application command.

New in version 2.2.3.

auto_defer: bool#

Whether or not to automatically defer the response when the command is invoked.

callback: CommandCallbackT#

The callback function for the command.

check_exempt: t.Optional[t.Callable[[context_.base.Context], t.Union[bool, t.Coroutine[t.Any, t.Any, bool]]]]#

Check exempt predicate to use for the command.

checks: t.Sequence[t.Union[checks.Check, checks._ExclusiveCheck]]#

The checks for the command.

cooldown_manager: t.Optional[cooldowns.CooldownManager]#

The cooldown manager for the command.

description: str#

The description of the command.

description_localizations: t.Mapping[t.Union[hikari.Locale, str], str]#

A mapping of locale to description localizations for this command

New in version 2.3.0.

ephemeral: bool#

Whether or not to send responses from this command as ephemeral messages by default.

error_handler: t.Optional[t.Callable[[events.CommandErrorEvent], t.Coroutine[t.Any, t.Any, t.Optional[bool]]]]#

The error handler for the command.

guilds: hikari.UndefinedOr[t.Sequence[int]]#

The guilds for the command. This only affects application commands.

help_getter: t.Optional[t.Callable[[Command, context_.base.Context], str]]#

The function to call to get the command’s long help text.

hidden: bool#

Whether or not the command should be hidden from the help command.

inherit_checks: bool#

Whether or not the command should inherit checks from the parent group.

max_concurrency: t.Optional[t.Tuple[int, t.Type[buckets.Bucket]]]#

The max concurrency rule for the command.

New in version 2.2.1.

name: str#

The name of the command.

name_localizations: t.Mapping[t.Union[hikari.Locale, str], str]#

A mapping of locale to name localizations for this command

New in version 2.3.0.

nsfw: bool#

Whether the command should only be enabled in NSFW channels.

For prefix commands, this will add an NSFW-channel only check to the command automatically. For slash commands, this will behave as specified in the Discord documentation.

New in version 2.3.1.

options: t.MutableMapping[str, OptionLike]#

The options for the command.

parser: t.Optional[t.Type[parser_.BaseParser]]#

The argument parser to use for prefix commands.

pass_options: bool#

Whether or not the command will have its options passed as keyword arguments when invoked.

New in version 2.2.1.

subcommands: t.List[CommandLike]#

Subcommands for the command.

class lightbulb.commands.base.OptionLike(name: str, description: str, arg_type: ~typing.Any = <class 'str'>, required: bool = True, choices: ~typing.Sequence[str | int | float | ~hikari.commands.CommandChoice] | None = None, channel_types: ~typing.Sequence[~hikari.channels.ChannelType] | None = None, default: ~typing.Any | ~hikari.undefined.UndefinedType = UNDEFINED, modifier: ~lightbulb.commands.base.OptionModifier = OptionModifier.NONE, min_value: float | int | None = None, max_value: float | int | None = None, min_length: int | None = None, max_length: int | None = None, autocomplete: bool = False, name_localizations: ~typing.Mapping[~hikari.locales.Locale | str, str] = _Nothing.NOTHING, description_localizations: ~typing.Mapping[~hikari.locales.Locale | str, str] = _Nothing.NOTHING)[source]#

Generic dataclass representing a command option. Compatible with both prefix and application commands.

as_application_command_option() CommandOption[source]#

Convert this object into a CommandOption.


Created CommandOption object.

Return type:


arg_type: Any#

The type of the option.

autocomplete: bool#

Whether the option should be autocompleted or not. This only affects slash commands.

channel_types: Sequence[ChannelType] | None#

The channel types for this option. This only affects slash commands.

choices: Sequence[str | int | float | CommandChoice] | None#

The option’s choices. This only affects slash commands.

default: Any | UndefinedType#

The default value for this option.

description: str#

The description of the option

description_localizations: Mapping[Locale | str, str]#

A mapping of locale to description localizations for this option

New in version 2.3.0.

max_length: int | None#

The maximum length permitted for this option. The option must be STRING to use this.

New in version 2.3.2.

max_value: float | int | None#

The maximum value permitted for this option (inclusive). The option must be INTEGER or FLOAT to use this.

New in version 2.1.3.

min_length: int | None#

The minimum length permitted for this option. The option must be STRING to use this.

New in version 2.3.2.

min_value: float | int | None#

The minimum value permitted for this option (inclusive). The option must be INTEGER or FLOAT to use this.

New in version 2.1.3.

modifier: OptionModifier#

Additional modifier controlling how the option should be parsed. This only affects prefix commands.

name: str#

The name of the option.

name_localizations: Mapping[Locale | str, str]#

A mapping of locale to name localizations for this option

New in version 2.3.0.

required: bool#

Whether or not the option is required. This will be inferred from whether or not a default value was provided if unspecified.

class lightbulb.commands.base.OptionModifier(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]#

Enum representing option modifiers that affect parsing for prefix commands.


Consume rest option. This will consume the entire remainder of the string.


Greedy option. This will consume arguments until the string is exhausted or conversion fails.

NONE = 1#

No modifier. This will be parsed as a normal argument.

class lightbulb.commands.base.SubCommandTrait[source]#

Trait that all subcommands and subgroups have.

You can check if any given command is a subcommand by checking issubclass on the command’s class or isinstance if you have the object.

Prefix Commands#

class lightbulb.commands.prefix.PrefixCommand(app: app_.BotApp, initialiser: CommandLike)[source]#

Bases: Command

An implementation of Command representing a prefix command.

async invoke(context: Context, **kwargs: Any) None[source]#

Invokes the command under the given context. All checks, cooldowns and concurrency limits will be processed prior to invocation.

property signature: str#

The command’s text signature.

class lightbulb.commands.prefix.PrefixCommandGroup(app: app_.BotApp, initialiser: base.CommandLike)[source]#

Bases: PrefixCommand, PrefixGroupMixin

Class representing a prefix command group.

async invoke(context: Context, **kwargs: Any) None[source]#

Invokes the command under the given context. All checks, cooldowns and concurrency limits will be processed prior to invocation.

class lightbulb.commands.prefix.PrefixGroupMixin[source]#

Bases: ABC

property subcommands: Dict[str, PrefixSubGroup | PrefixSubCommand]#

Mapping of command name to command object containing the group’s subcommands.

class lightbulb.commands.prefix.PrefixSubCommand(app: app_.BotApp, initialiser: CommandLike)[source]#

Bases: PrefixCommand, SubCommandTrait

Class representing a prefix subcommand.

async invoke(context: Context, *, _arg_buffer: str = '', **kwargs: Any) None[source]#

Invokes the command under the given context. All checks, cooldowns and concurrency limits will be processed prior to invocation.

property qualname: str#

The qualified name for the command.

class lightbulb.commands.prefix.PrefixSubGroup(app: app_.BotApp, initialiser: base.CommandLike)[source]#

Bases: PrefixCommand, PrefixGroupMixin, SubCommandTrait

Class representing a prefix subgroup of commands.

async invoke(context: Context, *, _arg_buffer: str = '', **kwargs: Any) None[source]#

Invokes the command under the given context. All checks, cooldowns and concurrency limits will be processed prior to invocation.

property qualname: str#

The qualified name for the command.

Slash Commands#

class lightbulb.commands.slash.SlashCommand(app: app_.BotApp, initialiser: CommandLike)[source]#

Bases: ApplicationCommand

An implementation of Command representing a slash command.

See the API Documentation.

as_create_kwargs() Dict[str, Any][source]#

Converts this class into a dictionary of kwargs required by create_application_command.


Kwargs required in order to create the command.

Return type:

Dict[str, Any]

class lightbulb.commands.slash.SlashCommandGroup(app: app_.BotApp, initialiser: base.CommandLike)[source]#

Bases: SlashCommand, SlashGroupMixin

Class representing a slash command group.

as_create_kwargs() Dict[str, Any][source]#

Converts this class into a dictionary of kwargs required by create_application_command.


Kwargs required in order to create the command.

Return type:

Dict[str, Any]

async invoke(context: Context, **_: Any) None[source]#

Invokes the command under the given context. All checks, cooldowns and concurrency limits will be processed prior to invocation.

class lightbulb.commands.slash.SlashGroupMixin[source]#

Bases: ABC

get_subcommand(name: str) SlashSubGroup | SlashSubCommand | None[source]#

Get the group’s subcommand with the given name.

property subcommands: Dict[str, SlashSubGroup | SlashSubCommand]#

Mapping of command name to command object containing the group’s subcommands.

class lightbulb.commands.slash.SlashSubCommand(app: app_.BotApp, initialiser: CommandLike)[source]#

Bases: SlashCommand, SubCommandTrait

Class representing a slash subcommand.

property qualname: str#

The qualified name for the command.

class lightbulb.commands.slash.SlashSubGroup(app: app_.BotApp, initialiser: base.CommandLike)[source]#

Bases: SlashCommand, SlashGroupMixin, SubCommandTrait

Class representing a slash subgroup of commands.

async invoke(context: Context, **_: Any) None[source]#

Invokes the command under the given context. All checks, cooldowns and concurrency limits will be processed prior to invocation.

property qualname: str#

The qualified name for the command.

Message Commands#

class lightbulb.commands.message.MessageCommand(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]#

Bases: ApplicationCommand

An implementation of Command representing a message context menu command.

See the API Documentation.

New in version 2.2.0.

as_create_kwargs() Dict[str, Any][source]#

Converts this class into a dictionary of kwargs required by create_application_command.


Kwargs required in order to create the command.

Return type:

Dict[str, Any]

property description_localizations: Mapping[Locale | str, str]#

A mapping of locale to description localizations for this command

New in version 2.3.0.

property options: Dict[str, Any]#

The options for the command.

User Commands#

class lightbulb.commands.user.UserCommand(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]#

Bases: ApplicationCommand

An implementation of Command representing a user context menu command.

See the API Documentation.

New in version 2.2.0.

as_create_kwargs() Dict[str, Any][source]#

Converts this class into a dictionary of kwargs required by create_application_command.


Kwargs required in order to create the command.

Return type:

Dict[str, Any]

property description_localizations: Mapping[Locale | str, str]#

A mapping of locale to description localizations for this command

New in version 2.3.0.

property options: Dict[str, Any]#

The options for the command.