
Extensions are a method of separating your bot’s code into multiple files, which can be loaded and unloaded from the bot at any time. Extensions are hot-reloadable which means that they can be reloaded even while the bot is running.

Extension reloading using BotApp.reload_extensions is atomic, meaning that if any stage of the unload or load fails, then the code will be reverted to the last working state.

Creating an Extension

All extension files must include a function load in order for the bot to recognise it as an extension. You should use the load function to add any commands or plugins to the bot that are present in that extension.

If you want to be able to unload and reload extensions, you must also include a function unload which will be called and should remove any commands or plugins from the bot that are present in the extension.

Both the load and unload functions should take a single argument, which will be the BotApp instance that the extension is being loaded into.

Example extension:

import lightbulb

plugin = lightbulb.Plugin("ExamplePlugin")

async def foo(ctx):

def load(bot):

def unload(bot):

See also

The example extension

Loading Extensions

After you have created an extension, you need to load it into the bot so that all the commands and/or plugins get registered. The lightbulb.app.BotApp class provides three relevant methods to help with this:

  • lightbulb.app.BotApp.load_extensions

  • lightbulb.app.BotApp.load_extensions_from

  • lightbulb.app.BotApp.unload_extensions

  • lightbulb.app.BotApp.reload_extensions

In the example below we will be making use of lightbulb.app.BotApp.load_extensions.

Example file structure:

├─ extensions/
│  ├─ __init__.py
│  ├─ extension.py
├─ bot.py

To load the extension extension.py from the main bot.py file, you would call BotApp.load_extensions with the argument "extensions.extension" (the import path for that module).

An example bot.py file can be seen below:

import lightbulb

bot = lightbulb.BotApp(...)

