
Creating embeds is trivial using Hikari. If you have used discord.py the method will feel very similar to what you are used to.

First you need to create an instance of the hikari.Embed class:

import hikari

embed = hikari.Embed()

In the embed constructor you can pass values for the embed title, description, url, colour, and timestamp. See the Embed documentation for details on the constructor signature. All arguments to the constructor must be passed as keyword arguments.

Other embed properties are set/added through various calls to the methods of the Embed class. These include: add_field, set_author, set_footer, set_image and set_thumbnail. These methods can also be chained together if you so desire.

Below is an example embed:

import hikari

embed = hikari.Embed(title="Example embed", description="An example hikari embed")
embed.add_field("Field name", "Field content (value)")
embed.set_footer("This is the footer")

Or using chained calls:

embed = (
    hikari.Embed(title="Example embed", description="An example hikari embed")
    .add_field("Field name", "Field content (value)")
    .set_footer("This is the footer")

To send an embed, you can pass the embed into either the content or embed argument to the relevant message creation method. An example using a lightbulb command can be seen below:

import lightbulb
import hikari

@lightbulb.command("embed", "Sends an embed in the command channel")
async def embed_command(ctx: lightbulb.Context) -> None:
    embed = hikari.Embed(title="Example embed", description="An example hikari embed")
    embed.add_field("Field name", "Field content (value)")
    embed.set_footer("This is the footer")
    await ctx.respond(embed)  # or respond(embed=embed)

If you have any further questions on any points mentioned here feel free to join the Hikari Discord Server where other developers will be happy to help you with your queries.