Source code for lightbulb.context.base

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © tandemdude 2020-present
# This file is part of Lightbulb.
# Lightbulb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Lightbulb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with Lightbulb. If not, see <>.
from __future__ import annotations

__all__ = ["Context", "ApplicationContext", "OptionsProxy", "ResponseProxy"]

import abc
import asyncio
import contextlib
import functools
import typing as t

import hikari

from lightbulb import errors

    from hikari.api import special_endpoints

    from lightbulb import app as app_
    from lightbulb import commands

[docs] class OptionsProxy: """ Proxy for the options that the command was invoked with allowing access using dot notation as well as dictionary lookup. Args: options (Dict[:obj:`str`, Any]): Options to act as a proxy for. """ __slots__ = ("_options",) def __init__(self, options: t.Dict[str, t.Any]) -> None: self._options = options def __getattr__(self, item: str) -> t.Any: try: return self._options[item] except KeyError: raise AttributeError(f"There is no option called '{item}'") from None def __getitem__(self, item: str) -> t.Any: try: return self._options[item] except KeyError: raise AttributeError(f"There is no option called '{item}'") from None
[docs] def items(self) -> t.ItemsView[str, t.Any]: """ Iterates through the options and returns a series of key:value pairs. Returns: ItemsView[:obj:`str`, Any]: The options items. This is functionally similar to a list of tuples, where for each tuple, the key is the option name, and the value is the option value. """ return self._options.items()
[docs] class ResponseProxy: """ Proxy for context responses. Allows fetching of the message created from the response lazily instead of a follow-up request being made immediately. """ __slots__ = ("_message", "_fetcher", "_editor", "_editable", "_deleteable") def __init__( self, message: t.Optional[hikari.Message] = None, fetcher: t.Optional[t.Callable[[], t.Coroutine[t.Any, t.Any, hikari.Message]]] = None, editor: t.Optional[t.Callable[[ResponseProxy], t.Coroutine[t.Any, t.Any, hikari.Message]]] = None, deleteable: bool = True, ) -> None: if message is None and fetcher is None: raise ValueError("One of message or fetcher arguments cannot be None") self._message = message self._fetcher = fetcher self._editor = editor self._deleteable = deleteable if editor is None: async def _default_editor(rp: ResponseProxy, *args: t.Any, **kwargs: t.Any) -> hikari.Message: return await (await rp.message()).edit(*args, **kwargs) self._editor = _default_editor def __await__(self) -> t.Generator[t.Any, None, hikari.Message]: return self.message().__await__()
[docs] async def message(self) -> hikari.Message: """ Fetches and/or returns the created message from the context response. Returns: :obj:`~hikari.messages.Message`: The response's created message. Note: This object is awaitable (since version `2.2.2`), hence the following is also valid. .. code-block:: python # Where 'resp' is an instance of ResponseProxy # Calling this method message = await resp.message() # Awaiting the object itself message = await resp """ if self._message is not None: return self._message assert self._fetcher is not None msg = await self._fetcher() return msg
[docs] async def edit(self, *args: t.Any, **kwargs: t.Any) -> hikari.Message: """ Edits the message that this object is proxying. Shortcut for :obj:`hikari.messages.Message.edit`. Args: *args: Args passed in to :obj:`hikari.messages.Message.edit` **kwargs: Kwargs passed in to :obj:`hikari.messages.Message.edit` Returns: :obj:`~hikari.messages.Message`: New message after edit. Raises: :obj:`~.errors.UnsupportedResponseOperation`: This response cannot be edited (for ephemeral interaction followup responses). """ assert self._editor is not None out = await self._editor(self, *args, **kwargs) assert isinstance(out, hikari.Message) return out
[docs] async def delete(self) -> None: """ Deletes the message that this object is proxying. Returns: ``None`` Raises: :obj:`~.errors.UnsupportedResponseOperation`: This response cannot be deleted (for some ephemeral interaction responses). """ if not self._deleteable: raise errors.UnsupportedResponseOperation("This response does not support deleting.") msg = await self.message() await msg.delete()
[docs] class Context(abc.ABC): """ Abstract base class for all context types. Args: app (:obj:``): The ``BotApp`` instance that the context is linked to. """ __slots__ = ("_app", "_responses", "_responded", "_deferred", "_invoked") def __init__(self, app: app_.BotApp): self._app = app self._responses: t.List[ResponseProxy] = [] self._responded: bool = False self._deferred: bool = False self._invoked: t.Optional[commands.base.Command] = None @abc.abstractmethod async def _maybe_defer(self) -> None: ... @property def deferred(self) -> bool: """Whether the response from this context is currently deferred.""" return self._deferred @property def responses(self) -> t.List[ResponseProxy]: """List of all previous responses sent for this context.""" return self._responses @property def previous_response(self) -> t.Optional[ResponseProxy]: """The last response sent for this context.""" return self._responses[-1] if self._responses else None @property def interaction(self) -> t.Optional[hikari.CommandInteraction]: """The interaction that triggered this context. Will be ``None`` for prefix commands.""" # Just to keep the interfaces the same for prefix commands and application commands return None @property def resolved(self) -> t.Optional[hikari.ResolvedOptionData]: """The resolved option data for this context. Will be ``None`` for prefix commands.""" # Just to keep the interfaces the same for prefix commands and application commands return None @property def app(self) -> app_.BotApp: """The ``BotApp`` instance the context is linked to.""" return self._app @property def bot(self) -> app_.BotApp: """Alias for :obj:``.""" return @property @abc.abstractmethod def event(self) -> t.Union[hikari.MessageCreateEvent, hikari.InteractionCreateEvent]: """The event for the context.""" ... @property def raw_options(self) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]: """Dictionary of :obj:`str` option name to option value that the user invoked the command with.""" return {} @property def options(self) -> OptionsProxy: """:obj:`~OptionsProxy` wrapping the options that the user invoked the command with.""" return OptionsProxy(self.raw_options) @property @abc.abstractmethod def channel_id(self) -> hikari.Snowflake: """The channel ID for the context.""" ... @property @abc.abstractmethod def guild_id(self) -> t.Optional[hikari.Snowflake]: """The guild ID for the context.""" ... @property @abc.abstractmethod def attachments(self) -> t.Sequence[hikari.Attachment]: ... @property @abc.abstractmethod def member(self) -> t.Optional[hikari.Member]: """The member for the context.""" ... @property @abc.abstractmethod def author(self) -> hikari.User: """The author for the context.""" ... @property def user(self) -> hikari.User: """The user for the context. Alias for :obj:``.""" return @property @abc.abstractmethod def invoked_with(self) -> str: """The command name or alias was used in the context.""" ... @property @abc.abstractmethod def prefix(self) -> str: """The prefix that was used in the context.""" @property @abc.abstractmethod def command(self) -> t.Optional[commands.base.Command]: """ The root command object that the context is for. See Also: :obj:`~Context.invoked` """ ... @property def invoked(self) -> t.Optional[commands.base.Command]: """ The command or subcommand that was invoked in this context. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 """ return self._invoked
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_channel(self) -> t.Optional[t.Union[hikari.GuildChannel, hikari.Snowflake]]: """The channel object for the context's channel ID.""" ...
[docs] def get_guild(self) -> t.Optional[hikari.Guild]: """The guild object for the context's guild ID.""" if self.guild_id is None: return None return
[docs] async def invoke(self) -> None: """ Invokes the context's command under the current context. Returns: ``None`` """ if self.command is None: raise TypeError("This context cannot be invoked - no command was resolved.") await self._maybe_defer() await self.command.invoke(self)
@t.overload @abc.abstractmethod async def respond( self, response_type: hikari.ResponseType, content: hikari.UndefinedOr[t.Any] = hikari.UNDEFINED, delete_after: t.Union[int, float, None] = None, *, attachment: hikari.UndefinedOr[hikari.Resourceish] = hikari.UNDEFINED, attachments: hikari.UndefinedOr[t.Sequence[hikari.Resourceish]] = hikari.UNDEFINED, component: hikari.UndefinedOr[hikari.api.ComponentBuilder] = hikari.UNDEFINED, components: hikari.UndefinedOr[t.Sequence[hikari.api.ComponentBuilder]] = hikari.UNDEFINED, embed: hikari.UndefinedOr[hikari.Embed] = hikari.UNDEFINED, embeds: hikari.UndefinedOr[t.Sequence[hikari.Embed]] = hikari.UNDEFINED, flags: hikari.UndefinedOr[t.Union[int, hikari.MessageFlag]] = hikari.UNDEFINED, tts: hikari.UndefinedOr[bool] = hikari.UNDEFINED, nonce: hikari.UndefinedOr[str] = hikari.UNDEFINED, reply: hikari.UndefinedOr[hikari.SnowflakeishOr[hikari.PartialMessage]] = hikari.UNDEFINED, reply_must_exist: hikari.UndefinedOr[bool] = hikari.UNDEFINED, mentions_everyone: hikari.UndefinedOr[bool] = hikari.UNDEFINED, mentions_reply: hikari.UndefinedOr[bool] = hikari.UNDEFINED, user_mentions: hikari.UndefinedOr[ t.Union[hikari.SnowflakeishSequence[hikari.PartialUser], bool] ] = hikari.UNDEFINED, role_mentions: hikari.UndefinedOr[ t.Union[hikari.SnowflakeishSequence[hikari.PartialRole], bool] ] = hikari.UNDEFINED, ) -> ResponseProxy: ... @t.overload @abc.abstractmethod async def respond( self, content: hikari.UndefinedOr[t.Any] = hikari.UNDEFINED, delete_after: t.Union[int, float, None] = None, *, attachment: hikari.UndefinedOr[hikari.Resourceish] = hikari.UNDEFINED, attachments: hikari.UndefinedOr[t.Sequence[hikari.Resourceish]] = hikari.UNDEFINED, component: hikari.UndefinedOr[hikari.api.ComponentBuilder] = hikari.UNDEFINED, components: hikari.UndefinedOr[t.Sequence[hikari.api.ComponentBuilder]] = hikari.UNDEFINED, embed: hikari.UndefinedOr[hikari.Embed] = hikari.UNDEFINED, embeds: hikari.UndefinedOr[t.Sequence[hikari.Embed]] = hikari.UNDEFINED, flags: hikari.UndefinedOr[t.Union[int, hikari.MessageFlag]] = hikari.UNDEFINED, tts: hikari.UndefinedOr[bool] = hikari.UNDEFINED, nonce: hikari.UndefinedOr[str] = hikari.UNDEFINED, reply: hikari.UndefinedOr[hikari.SnowflakeishOr[hikari.PartialMessage]] = hikari.UNDEFINED, reply_must_exist: hikari.UndefinedOr[bool] = hikari.UNDEFINED, mentions_everyone: hikari.UndefinedOr[bool] = hikari.UNDEFINED, mentions_reply: hikari.UndefinedOr[bool] = hikari.UNDEFINED, user_mentions: hikari.UndefinedOr[ t.Union[hikari.SnowflakeishSequence[hikari.PartialUser], bool] ] = hikari.UNDEFINED, role_mentions: hikari.UndefinedOr[ t.Union[hikari.SnowflakeishSequence[hikari.PartialRole], bool] ] = hikari.UNDEFINED, ) -> ResponseProxy: ...
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod async def respond( self, *args: t.Any, delete_after: t.Union[int, float, None] = None, **kwargs: t.Any ) -> ResponseProxy: """Create a response to this context.""" ...
[docs] async def edit_last_response(self, *args: t.Any, **kwargs: t.Any) -> t.Optional[hikari.Message]: """ Edit the most recently sent response. Shortcut for :obj:`hikari.messages.Message.edit`. Args: *args: Args passed to :obj:`hikari.messages.Message.edit`. **kwargs: Kwargs passed to :obj:`hikari.messages.Message.edit`. Returns: Optional[:obj:`~hikari.messages.Message`]: New message after edit, or ``None`` if no responses have been sent for the context yet. """ if not self._responses: return None return await self._responses[-1].edit(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] async def delete_last_response(self) -> None: """ Delete the most recently send response. Shortcut for :obj:`hikari.messages.Message.delete`. Returns: ``None`` """ if not self._responses: return await self._responses.pop().delete()
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod async def respond_with_modal( self, title: str, custom_id: str, component: hikari.UndefinedOr[special_endpoints.ComponentBuilder] = hikari.UNDEFINED, components: hikari.UndefinedOr[t.Sequence[special_endpoints.ComponentBuilder]] = hikari.UNDEFINED, ) -> None: """ Create a modal response to this context. .. versionadded:: 2.3.1 """ ...
[docs] class ApplicationContext(Context, abc.ABC): __slots__ = ("_event", "_interaction", "_command") def __init__( self, app: app_.BotApp, event: hikari.InteractionCreateEvent, command: commands.base.ApplicationCommand ) -> None: super().__init__(app) self._event = event assert isinstance(event.interaction, hikari.CommandInteraction) self._interaction: hikari.CommandInteraction = event.interaction self._command = command async def _maybe_defer(self) -> None: if self._deferred: return if (self._invoked or self._command).auto_defer: await self.respond(hikari.ResponseType.DEFERRED_MESSAGE_CREATE) @property @abc.abstractmethod def command(self) -> commands.base.ApplicationCommand: ... @property def event(self) -> hikari.InteractionCreateEvent: return self._event @property def interaction(self) -> hikari.CommandInteraction: return self._interaction @property def channel_id(self) -> hikari.Snowflake: return self._interaction.channel_id @property def guild_id(self) -> t.Optional[hikari.Snowflake]: return self._interaction.guild_id @property def attachments(self) -> t.Sequence[hikari.Attachment]: return [] @property def member(self) -> t.Optional[hikari.Member]: return self._interaction.member @property def author(self) -> hikari.User: return self._interaction.user @property def invoked_with(self) -> str: return @property def command_id(self) -> hikari.Snowflake: return self._interaction.command_id @property def resolved(self) -> t.Optional[hikari.ResolvedOptionData]: return self._interaction.resolved
[docs] def get_channel(self) -> t.Optional[t.Union[hikari.GuildChannel, hikari.Snowflake]]: if self.guild_id is not None: return or return self.channel_id
[docs] async def respond( self, *args: t.Any, delete_after: t.Union[int, float, None] = None, **kwargs: t.Any ) -> ResponseProxy: """ Create a response for this context. The first time this method is called, the initial interaction response will be created by calling :obj:`~hikari.interactions.command_interactions.CommandInteraction.create_initial_response` with the response type set to :obj:`~hikari.interactions.base_interactions.ResponseType.MESSAGE_CREATE` if not otherwise specified. Subsequent calls will instead create followup responses to the interaction by calling :obj:`~hikari.interactions.command_interactions.CommandInteraction.execute`. Args: *args (Any): Positional arguments passed to ``CommandInteraction.create_initial_response`` or ``CommandInteraction.execute``. delete_after (Union[:obj:`int`, :obj:`float`, ``None``]): The number of seconds to wait before deleting this response. **kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to ``CommandInteraction.create_initial_response`` or ``CommandInteraction.execute``. Returns: :obj:`~ResponseProxy`: Proxy wrapping the response of the ``respond`` call. .. versionadded:: 2.2.0 ``delete_after`` kwarg. """ # noqa: E501 (line-too-long) async def _cleanup(timeout: t.Union[int, float], proxy_: ResponseProxy) -> None: await asyncio.sleep(timeout) with contextlib.suppress(hikari.NotFoundError): await proxy_.delete() def includes_ephemeral(flags: t.Union[hikari.MessageFlag, int]) -> bool: return (hikari.MessageFlag.EPHEMERAL & flags) == hikari.MessageFlag.EPHEMERAL kwargs.pop("reply", None) kwargs.pop("mentions_reply", None) kwargs.pop("nonce", None) if (self._invoked or self._command).default_ephemeral: kwargs.setdefault("flags", hikari.MessageFlag.EPHEMERAL) if self._responded: kwargs.pop("response_type", None) if args and isinstance(args[0], hikari.ResponseType): args = args[1:] async def _ephemeral_followup_editor( _: ResponseProxy, *args_: t.Any, _wh_id: hikari.Snowflake, _tkn: str, _m_id: hikari.Snowflake, **kwargs_: t.Any, ) -> hikari.Message: return await, _tkn, _m_id, *args_, **kwargs_) message = await self._interaction.execute(*args, **kwargs) proxy = ResponseProxy( message, editor=functools.partial( _ephemeral_followup_editor, _wh_id=self._interaction.webhook_id, _tkn=self._interaction.token,, ), deleteable=not includes_ephemeral(kwargs.get("flags", hikari.MessageFlag.NONE)), ) self._responses.append(proxy) self._deferred = False if delete_after is not None:, proxy)) return self._responses[-1] if args: if not isinstance(args[0], hikari.ResponseType): kwargs["content"] = args[0] kwargs.setdefault("response_type", hikari.ResponseType.MESSAGE_CREATE) else: kwargs["response_type"] = args[0] if len(args) > 1: kwargs.setdefault("content", args[1]) else: kwargs.setdefault("response_type", hikari.ResponseType.MESSAGE_CREATE) await self._interaction.create_initial_response(**kwargs) # Initial responses are special and need their own edit method defined # so that they work as expected for when the responses are ephemeral async def _editor( rp: ResponseProxy, *args_: t.Any, inter: hikari.CommandInteraction, **kwargs_: t.Any ) -> hikari.Message: await inter.edit_initial_response(*args_, **kwargs_) return await rp.message() proxy = ResponseProxy( fetcher=self._interaction.fetch_initial_response, editor=functools.partial(_editor, inter=self._interaction) if includes_ephemeral(kwargs.get("flags", hikari.MessageFlag.NONE)) else None, ) self._responses.append(proxy) self._responded = True if kwargs["response_type"] in ( hikari.ResponseType.DEFERRED_MESSAGE_CREATE, hikari.ResponseType.DEFERRED_MESSAGE_UPDATE, ): self._deferred = True if delete_after is not None:, proxy)) return self._responses[-1]
[docs] async def respond_with_modal( self, title: str, custom_id: str, component: hikari.UndefinedOr[special_endpoints.ComponentBuilder] = hikari.UNDEFINED, components: hikari.UndefinedOr[t.Sequence[special_endpoints.ComponentBuilder]] = hikari.UNDEFINED, ) -> None: """ Create a modal response to this context. Args: title (:obj:`str`): The title that will show up in the modal. custom_id (:obj:`str`): Developer set custom ID used for identifying interactions with this modal. component (UndefinedOr[:obj:`hikari.api.special_endpoints.ComponentBuilder`]): A component builder to send in this modal. components (UndefinedOr[Sequence[:obj:`hikari.api.special_endpoints.ComponentBuilder`]]): A sequence of component builders to send in this modal. Returns: ``None`` Raises: :obj:`ValueError`: If both ``component`` and ``components`` are specified or if neither are specified. .. versionadded:: 2.3.1 """ await self._interaction.create_modal_response(title, custom_id, component, components) self._responded = True