Source code for lightbulb.parser

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © tandemdude 2020-present
# This file is part of Lightbulb.
# Lightbulb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Lightbulb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with Lightbulb. If not, see <>.
from __future__ import annotations

__all__ = ["BaseParser", "Parser"]

import abc
import inspect
import logging
import typing as t

import hikari

from lightbulb import commands
from lightbulb import context as context_
from lightbulb import errors
from lightbulb.commands.base import OptionLike
from lightbulb.commands.base import OptionModifier
from lightbulb.converters import CONVERTER_TYPE_MAPPING
from lightbulb.converters import BaseConverter

T = t.TypeVar("T")
_quotes = {
    '"': '"',
    "'": "'",
    "‘": "’",
    "‚": "‛",
    "“": "”",
    "„": "‟",
    "⹂": "⹂",
    "「": "」",
    "『": "』",
    "〝": "〞",
    "﹁": "﹂",
    "﹃": "﹄",
    """: """,
    "「": "」",
    "«": "»",
    "‹": "›",
    "《": "》",
    "〈": "〉",
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger("lightbulb.utils.parser")

[docs] class BaseParser(abc.ABC): __slots__ = ("ctx", "_buffer", "len", "options") len: int ctx: context_.base.Context _buffer: str options: t.List[OptionLike] def __init__( self, context: context_.base.Context, buffer: t.Optional[str] = None, options: t.Optional[t.List[OptionLike]] = None, ) -> None: self.ctx = context if buffer is None: if not isinstance(self.ctx, context_.prefix.PrefixContext): raise RuntimeError("Please provide the buffer to parse") # todo: proper error message = self.ctx.event.message assert message.content is not None buffer = message.content[len(self.ctx.prefix) + len(self.ctx.invoked_with) :] self.buffer = buffer if options is not None: self.options = options else: self.options = list(self.ctx.command.options.values()) if self.ctx.command else [] @property def buffer(self) -> str: return self._buffer @buffer.setter def buffer(self, val: str) -> None: self._buffer = val self.len = len(val) @abc.abstractmethod async def parse(self) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]: ...
[docs] class Parser(BaseParser): __slots__ = ("_idx", "prev") def __init__( self, context: context_.base.Context, buffer: t.Optional[str] = None, options: t.Optional[t.List[OptionLike]] = None, ) -> None: self._idx = 0 self.prev = 0 super().__init__(context, buffer, options) @property def is_eof(self) -> bool: return self.idx >= self.len @property def idx(self) -> int: return self._idx @idx.setter def idx(self, val: int) -> None: self.prev = self._idx self._idx = val def undo(self) -> None: self.idx = self.prev return None def skip_ws(self) -> None: prev = self.idx if (char := self.get_current()) is not None and not char.isspace(): return None while (char := self.get_char()) is not None and char.isspace(): pass self.prev = prev def get_char(self) -> t.Optional[str]: self.idx += 1 return self.get_current() def get_current(self) -> t.Optional[str]: return None if self.is_eof else self.buffer[self.idx] def get_previous(self) -> t.Optional[str]: return None if self.idx == 0 else self.buffer[self.idx - 1]
[docs] def get_word(self) -> str: """Gets the next word, will return an empty string if EOF.""" self.skip_ws() prev = self.idx while (char := self.get_char()) is not None and not char.isspace(): pass self.prev = prev return self.buffer[prev : self.idx]
def get_quoted_word(self) -> str: self.skip_ws() prev = self.idx if (closing := _quotes.get(t.cast(str, self.get_current()))) is None: return self.get_word() while (char := self.get_char()) is not None: if char == closing and self.get_previous() != "\\": break else: # EOF raise RuntimeError("expected a closing quote") # TODO: raise proper error if (current := self.get_char()) is not None and not current.isspace(): raise RuntimeError("expected a space after the closing quote") # TODO: raise proper error self.prev = prev return self.buffer[prev + 1 : self.idx - 1].replace(f"\\{closing}", closing) def read_rest(self) -> str: self.skip_ws() self.idx = self.len return self.buffer[self.prev :] def get_option(self) -> t.Optional[commands.base.OptionLike]: if self.options: return self.options.pop(0) return None async def parse(self) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]: ret = {} attachments = list(self.ctx.attachments) if isinstance(self.ctx, context_.prefix.PrefixContext) else [] while option := self.get_option(): if option.arg_type in (hikari.OptionType.ATTACHMENT, hikari.Attachment): if not attachments: if not option.required: ret[] = option.default continue raise errors.MissingRequiredAttachmentArgument( "Command invocation expects an attachment but none were found.", missing=option ) ret[] = attachments.pop(0) continue _LOGGER.debug("Getting arg for %s with type %s",, option.arg_type) if not ( raw_arg := self.read_rest() if option.modifier is OptionModifier.CONSUME_REST else self.get_quoted_word() ): _LOGGER.debug("Arguments have exhausted") if option.required: raise errors.NotEnoughArguments( "Command invocation is missing one or more required arguments.", missing=[option, *(o for o in self.options if o.required)], ) ret[] = option.default continue _LOGGER.debug("Got raw arg %s", raw_arg) convert = self._greedy_convert if option.modifier is OptionModifier.GREEDY else self._try_convert await convert(raw_arg, option, ret) self._validate(option, ret[]) return ret async def _try_convert(self, raw: str, option: commands.base.OptionLike, out: t.Dict[str, t.Any]) -> None: try: arg = await self._convert(raw, option.arg_type) except Exception as e: _LOGGER.debug("Failed to convert", exc_info=e) if option.required: raise errors.ConverterFailure( f"Conversion failed for option {!r}", opt=option, raw=raw ) from e out[] = option.default _LOGGER.debug("Option has a default value, shifting to the next parameter") self.undo() else: _LOGGER.debug("Successfully converted %s to %s", raw, arg) out[] = arg async def _greedy_convert(self, raw: str, option: commands.base.OptionLike, out: t.Dict[str, t.Any]) -> None: out[] = args = [] _LOGGER.debug("Attempting to greedy convert %s to %s", raw, option.arg_type) while raw: try: arg = await self._convert(raw, option.arg_type) except Exception as e: _LOGGER.debug("Done greedy converting", exc_info=e) self.undo() break else: _LOGGER.debug("Appending %s", arg) args.append(arg) raw = self.get_quoted_word() async def _convert( self, value: str, callback_or_type: t.Union[ t.Callable[[str], t.Union[T, t.Coroutine[t.Any, t.Any, T]]], t.Type[BaseConverter[T]] ], ) -> T: callback_or_type = CONVERTER_TYPE_MAPPING.get(callback_or_type, callback_or_type) _LOGGER.debug("Attempting to convert %s to %s", value, callback_or_type) conversion_func = callback_or_type if inspect.isclass(callback_or_type) and issubclass(callback_or_type, BaseConverter): conversion_func = callback_or_type(self.ctx).convert converted = conversion_func(value) # type: ignore if inspect.iscoroutine(converted): assert isinstance(converted, t.Awaitable) converted = await converted converted = t.cast(T, converted) return converted def _validate(self, option: commands.base.OptionLike, arg: t.Any) -> None: if option.max_length and len(arg) > option.max_length: raise errors.InvalidArgument("Value too long", opt=option, value=arg) if option.min_length and len(arg) < option.min_length: raise errors.InvalidArgument("Value too short", opt=option, value=arg) if option.min_value is not None and arg < option.min_value: raise errors.InvalidArgument("Value too small", opt=option, value=arg) if option.max_value is not None and arg > option.max_value: raise errors.InvalidArgument("Value too big", opt=option, value=arg) if option.choices and arg not in option.choices: raise errors.InvalidArgument("Value not in available choices", opt=option, value=arg) if option.channel_types and isinstance(arg, hikari.PartialChannel) and arg.type not in option.channel_types: raise errors.InvalidArgument("Invalid channel type", opt=option, value=arg)