Source code for lightbulb.utils.nav

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © tandemdude 2020-present
# This file is part of Lightbulb.
# Lightbulb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Lightbulb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with Lightbulb. If not, see <>.
from __future__ import annotations

import contextlib

__all__ = [

import asyncio
import typing as t

import hikari
from hikari.components import ButtonStyle

    from hikari.api.special_endpoints import MessageActionRowBuilder

    from lightbulb import context as context_

[docs] class ReactionButton: """ A reaction-based navigator button. Contains the emoji linked to the button as well as the coroutine to be called when the button is pressed. Args: emoji (Union[:obj:`str`, :obj:`~hikari.emojis.Emoji`]): The emoji linked to the button. callback: The coroutine function to be called on button press. """ __slots__ = ("emoji", "callback") def __init__( self, emoji: t.Union[str, hikari.Emoji], callback: t.Callable[[ReactionNavigator[T], hikari.ReactionAddEvent], t.Coroutine[t.Any, t.Any, None]], ) -> None: if isinstance(emoji, str): emoji = hikari.Emoji.parse(emoji) self.emoji = emoji self.callback = callback
[docs] def is_pressed(self, event: hikari.ReactionAddEvent) -> bool: """ Check if the button is pressed in a given event. Args: event (:obj:``): The event to check the button is pressed in. Returns: :obj:`bool`: Whether the button is pressed in the given event. """ if event.emoji_id is not None and isinstance(self.emoji, hikari.CustomEmoji): return event.emoji_id == return event.emoji_name ==
[docs] def press(self, nav: ReactionNavigator[T], event: hikari.ReactionAddEvent) -> t.Coroutine[t.Any, t.Any, None]: """ Call the button's callback coroutine and return the awaitable. Returns: Coroutine[``None``, Any, ``None``]: Returned awaitable from the coroutine call. """ return self.callback(nav, event)
[docs] class ComponentButton: """ A component-based navigator button. Contains the custom_id linked to the button as well as the coroutine to be called when the button is pressed. Args: label (:obj:`str`): The label of the button. label_is_emoji (:obj:`bool`): Whether the label is an emoji or not. This affects whether ``set_label`` or ``set_emoji`` is called when building the button. style (:obj:`hikari.InteractiveButtonTypesT`): The style of the button. custom_id (:obj:`str`): The custom ID of the button. callback: The coroutine function to be called on button press. """ __slots__ = ("custom_id", "callback", "label", "style", "label_is_emoji") def __init__( self, label: str, label_is_emoji: bool, style: hikari.InteractiveButtonTypesT, custom_id: str, callback: t.Callable[[ButtonNavigator[T], hikari.InteractionCreateEvent], t.Coroutine[t.Any, t.Any, None]], ) -> None: self.label = label self.label_is_emoji = label_is_emoji = style self.custom_id = custom_id self.callback = callback
[docs] def build(self, container: MessageActionRowBuilder, disabled: bool = False) -> None: """ Build and add the button to the given container. Args: container (:obj:`hikari.api.special_endpoints.MessageActionRowBuilder`): The container to add the button to. disabled (:obj:`bool`): Whether to display the button as disabled. Returns: ``None`` """ container.add_interactive_button(, self.custom_id, is_disabled=disabled, **{"emoji" if self.label_is_emoji else "label": self.label}, )
[docs] def is_pressed(self, event: hikari.InteractionCreateEvent) -> bool: """ Check if the button is pressed in a given event. Args: event (:obj:`~hikari.InteractionCreateEvent`): The event to check the button is pressed in. Returns: :obj:`bool`: Whether or not the button is pressed in the given event. """ assert isinstance(event.interaction, hikari.ComponentInteraction) return event.interaction.custom_id == self.custom_id
[docs] def press(self, nav: ButtonNavigator[T], event: hikari.InteractionCreateEvent) -> t.Coroutine[t.Any, t.Any, None]: """ Call the button's callback coroutine and return the awaitable. Returns: Coroutine[Any, Any, ``None``]: Returned awaitable from the coroutine call. """ return self.callback(nav, event)
T = t.TypeVar("T")
[docs] async def next_page(nav: t.Union[ReactionNavigator[T], ButtonNavigator[T]], _: hikari.Event) -> None: """:obj:`NavButton` callback to make the ReactionNavigator go to the next page.""" nav.current_page_index += 1 nav.current_page_index %= len(nav.pages)
[docs] async def prev_page(nav: t.Union[ReactionNavigator[T], ButtonNavigator[T]], _: hikari.Event) -> None: """:obj:`NavButton` callback to make the navigator go to the previous page.""" nav.current_page_index -= 1 if nav.current_page_index < 0: nav.current_page_index = len(nav.pages) - 1
[docs] async def first_page(nav: t.Union[ReactionNavigator[T], ButtonNavigator[T]], _: hikari.Event) -> None: """:obj:`NavButton` callback to make the navigator go to the first page.""" nav.current_page_index = 0
[docs] async def last_page(nav: t.Union[ReactionNavigator[T], ButtonNavigator[T]], _: hikari.Event) -> None: """:obj:`NavButton` callback to make the navigator go to the last page.""" nav.current_page_index = len(nav.pages) - 1
[docs] async def stop(nav: t.Union[ReactionNavigator[T], ButtonNavigator[T]], _: hikari.Event) -> None: """:obj:`NavButton` callback to make the navigator stop navigation.""" assert nav._msg is not None await nav._remove_listener() await nav._msg.delete() nav._msg = None if nav._timeout_task is not None: nav._timeout_task.cancel()
[docs] class ReactionNavigator(t.Generic[T]): r""" A reaction navigator system for navigating through a list of items that can be sent through the ``content`` argument of :obj:`hikari.Message.respond`. Default buttons: - ``\N{BLACK LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE TRIANGLE WITH VERTICAL BAR}\N{VARIATION SELECTOR-16}`` (Go to first page) - ``\N{BLACK LEFT-POINTING TRIANGLE}\N{VARIATION SELECTOR-16}`` (Go to previous page) - ``\N{BLACK SQUARE FOR STOP}\\N{VARIATION SELECTOR-16}`` (Stop navigation) - ``\N{BLACK RIGHT-POINTING TRIANGLE}\N{VARIATION SELECTOR-16}`` (Go to next page) - ``\N{BLACK RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE TRIANGLE WITH VERTICAL BAR}\N{VARIATION SELECTOR-16}`` (Go to last page) Args: pages (Sequence[T]): Pages to navigate through. Keyword Args: buttons (Optional[Sequence[:obj:`~.utils.nav.NavButton`]]): Buttons to use the navigator with. Uses the default buttons if not specified. timeout (:obj:`float`): The navigator timeout in seconds. After the timeout has expired, navigator reactions will no longer work. Defaults to 120 (2 minutes). Example: .. code-block:: python from lightbulb.utils import pag, nav @bot.command() async def foo(ctx): paginated_help = pag.StringPaginator() for l in thing_that_creates_a_lot_of_text.split("\n"): paginated_help.add_line(l) navigator = nav.ReactionNavigator(paginated_help.build_pages()) await """ __slots__ = ("pages", "buttons", "_timeout", "current_page_index", "_context", "_msg", "_timeout_task") def __init__( self, pages: t.Union[t.Iterable[T], t.Iterator[T]], *, buttons: t.Optional[t.Sequence[ReactionButton]] = None, timeout: float = 120, ) -> None: if not pages: raise ValueError("You cannot pass fewer than 1 page to the navigator.") self.pages: t.Sequence[T] = tuple(pages) if buttons is not None and any(not isinstance(btn, ReactionButton) for btn in buttons): raise TypeError("Buttons must be an instance of ReactionButton") self.buttons: t.Sequence[ReactionButton] if len(self.pages) == 1 and not buttons: self.buttons = [ReactionButton("\N{CROSS MARK}", stop)] else: self.buttons = buttons if buttons is not None else self.create_default_buttons() self._timeout: float = timeout self.current_page_index: int = 0 self._context: t.Optional[context_.base.Context] = None self._msg: t.Optional[hikari.Message] = None self._timeout_task: t.Optional[asyncio.Task[None]] = None async def _edit_msg(self, message: hikari.Message, page: T) -> hikari.Message: return await message.edit(page) async def _send_initial_msg(self, page: T) -> hikari.Message: assert self._context is not None resp = await self._context.respond(page) return await resp.message() def create_default_buttons(self) -> t.List[ReactionButton]: buttons = [ ReactionButton( "\N{BLACK LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE TRIANGLE WITH VERTICAL BAR}\N{VARIATION SELECTOR-16}", first_page ), ReactionButton("\N{BLACK LEFT-POINTING TRIANGLE}\N{VARIATION SELECTOR-16}", prev_page), ReactionButton("\N{BLACK SQUARE FOR STOP}\N{VARIATION SELECTOR-16}", stop), ReactionButton("\N{BLACK RIGHT-POINTING TRIANGLE}\N{VARIATION SELECTOR-16}", next_page), ReactionButton( "\N{BLACK RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE TRIANGLE WITH VERTICAL BAR}\N{VARIATION SELECTOR-16}", last_page ), ] return buttons async def _process_reaction_add(self, event: hikari.ReactionAddEvent) -> None: assert self._context is not None and self._msg is not None if event.user_id != or event.message_id != return for button in self.buttons: if button.is_pressed(event): await, event) if self._msg is not None: await self._edit_msg(self._msg, self.pages[self.current_page_index]) with contextlib.suppress(hikari.ForbiddenError): await self._msg.remove_reaction(button.emoji, break async def _remove_listener(self) -> None: assert self._context is not None, self._process_reaction_add) if self._msg is None: return with contextlib.suppress(hikari.ForbiddenError, hikari.NotFoundError): await self._msg.delete() async def _timeout_coro(self) -> None: try: await asyncio.sleep(self._timeout) await self._remove_listener() except asyncio.CancelledError: pass
[docs] async def run(self, context: context_.base.Context) -> None: """ Run the navigator under the given context. Args: context (:obj:`~.context.base.Context`): Context to run the navigator under. Returns: ``None`` Raises: :obj:`hikari.MissingIntentError`: If the bot does not have the relevant reaction intent(s) for the navigator to function. """ intent_to_check_for = ( hikari.Intents.GUILD_MESSAGE_REACTIONS if context.guild_id is not None else hikari.Intents.DM_MESSAGE_REACTIONS ) if not ( & intent_to_check_for) == intent_to_check_for: raise hikari.MissingIntentError(intent_to_check_for) self._context = context, self._process_reaction_add) self._msg = await self._send_initial_msg(self.pages[self.current_page_index]) for emoji in [button.emoji for button in self.buttons]: await self._msg.add_reaction(emoji) if self._timeout_task is not None: self._timeout_task.cancel() self._timeout_task = asyncio.create_task(self._timeout_coro())
[docs] class ButtonNavigator(t.Generic[T]): r""" A button navigator system for navigating through a list of items that can be sent through the ``content`` argument of :obj:`hikari.Message.respond`. Args: pages (Sequence[T]): Pages to navigate through. Keyword Args: buttons (Sequence[:obj:`~ComponentButton`]): Buttons to use the navigator with. Uses the default buttons if not specified. timeout (:obj:`float`): The navigator timeout in seconds. After the timeout has expired, navigator buttons are disabled and will no longer work. Defaults to 120 (2 minutes). Example: .. code-block:: python from lightbulb.utils import pag, nav @bot.command() async def foo(ctx): paginated_help = pag.StringPaginator() for l in thing_that_creates_a_lot_of_text.split("\n"): paginated_help.add_line(l) navigator = nav.ButtonNavigator(paginated_help.build_pages()) await """ __slots__ = ("pages", "buttons", "_timeout", "current_page_index", "_context", "_msg", "_timeout_task") def __init__( self, pages: t.Union[t.Iterable[T], t.Iterator[T]], *, buttons: t.Optional[t.Sequence[ComponentButton]] = None, timeout: float = 120, ) -> None: if not pages: raise ValueError("You cannot pass fewer than 1 page to the navigator.") self.pages: t.Sequence[T] = tuple(pages) self.buttons: t.Sequence[ComponentButton] if len(self.pages) == 1 and not buttons: self.buttons = [ComponentButton("\N{CROSS MARK}", True, ButtonStyle.DANGER, "stop", stop)] else: self.buttons = buttons if buttons is not None else self.create_default_buttons() self._timeout: float = timeout self.current_page_index: int = 0 self._context: t.Optional[context_.base.Context] = None self._msg: t.Optional[hikari.Message] = None self._timeout_task: t.Optional[asyncio.Task[None]] = None async def _send_initial_msg(self, page: T) -> hikari.Message: assert self._context is not None buttons = await self.build_buttons() resp = await self._context.respond(page, component=buttons) return await resp.message() async def _edit_msg(self, inter: hikari.ComponentInteraction, page: T) -> None: buttons = await self.build_buttons(disabled=self._msg is None) try: await inter.create_initial_response(hikari.ResponseType.MESSAGE_UPDATE, page, component=buttons) except hikari.NotFoundError: await inter.edit_initial_response(page, component=buttons) def create_default_buttons(self) -> t.Sequence[ComponentButton]: buttons = [ ComponentButton( "\N{BLACK LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE TRIANGLE WITH VERTICAL BAR}\N{VARIATION SELECTOR-16}", True, ButtonStyle.PRIMARY, "first_page", first_page, ), ComponentButton( "\N{BLACK LEFT-POINTING TRIANGLE}\N{VARIATION SELECTOR-16}", True, ButtonStyle.PRIMARY, "prev_page", prev_page, ), ComponentButton( "\N{HEAVY MULTIPLICATION X}\N{VARIATION SELECTOR-16}", True, ButtonStyle.DANGER, "stop", stop ), ComponentButton( "\N{BLACK RIGHT-POINTING TRIANGLE}\N{VARIATION SELECTOR-16}", True, ButtonStyle.PRIMARY, "next_page", next_page, ), ComponentButton( "\N{BLACK RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE TRIANGLE WITH VERTICAL BAR}\N{VARIATION SELECTOR-16}", True, ButtonStyle.PRIMARY, "last_page", last_page, ), ] return buttons async def build_buttons(self, disabled: bool = False) -> hikari.UndefinedOr[MessageActionRowBuilder]: assert self._context is not None buttons = for button in self.buttons:, disabled) return buttons async def _process_interaction_create(self, event: hikari.InteractionCreateEvent) -> None: if not isinstance(event.interaction, hikari.ComponentInteraction): return if self._msg is None: return assert self._context is not None if != or != return for button in self.buttons: if button.is_pressed(event): await, event) if self._msg is not None: await self._edit_msg(event.interaction, self.pages[self.current_page_index]) break async def _remove_listener(self) -> None: assert self._context is not None, self._process_interaction_create) if self._msg is not None: await self._msg.edit(component=await self.build_buttons(True)) async def _timeout_coro(self) -> None: try: await asyncio.sleep(self._timeout) await self._remove_listener() except asyncio.CancelledError: pass
[docs] async def run(self, context: context_.base.Context) -> None: """ Run the navigator under the given context. Args: context (:obj:`~.context.base.Context`): Context to run the navigator under. Returns: ``None`` """ self._context = context, self._process_interaction_create) self._msg = await self._send_initial_msg(self.pages[self.current_page_index]) if self._timeout_task is not None: self._timeout_task.cancel() self._timeout_task = asyncio.create_task(self._timeout_coro())