
This package contains a framework for creating your own component and modal handlers, without having to go through the common issues when trying to do it using raw Hikari.

Component Handling

Creating a Menu

Creating your own component handler is as easy as creating a subclass of the Menu class.

import lightbulb

class MyMenu(lightbulb.components.Menu):
    def __init__(self) -> None:

A single menu class encapsulates the components and state that will be used when handling interactions for any of the attached components.

Adding Components to Menus

You can add components to a menu using any of the appropriate methods:

The menu will lay out the added components into rows automatically. If you wish to customise the layout, you can use the methods next_row() and previous_row() to move between rows while adding components. If a row becomes full (either through having five buttons, or one select), then the menu will always move to the next row if you add another component to it.

When adding a component to a menu, the methods return an object representing the created component. It is recommended that you store this component within an instance variable so that you can modify it later if you wish to update the menu’s appearance.

import lightbulb

class MyMenu(lightbulb.components.Menu):
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.btn = self.add_interactive_button(
            label="Test Button",

    async def on_button_press(self, ctx: lightbulb.components.MenuContext) -> None:
        await ctx.respond("Button pressed!")

Running Menus

To send a menu with a message, you can pass the menu instance to the components argument of the method you are using (i.e. Context.respond, RESTClient.create_message) - it will be automatically built and sent with the message.

Menus require the Lightbulb Client in order to listen for the appropriate interactions. You can run a menu by calling the attach() method. When calling this method, you can optionally choose to wait until the menu completes before continuing, and pass a timeout after which time an asyncio.TimeoutError will be raised.

If you do not pass wait=True to the attach() method, then it is recommended that you pass your own known custom IDs when you are adding components to the menu - otherwise they will be randomly generated and the menu will probably not work as you intended.

To get your Client instance within a command, you can use dependency injection as seen in the following example. Check the “Dependencies” guide within the by-example section of the documentation for more details about dependency injection.

import asyncio
import lightbulb

class MyMenu(lightbulb.components.Menu):
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.btn = self.add_interactive_button(
            label="Test Button",

    async def on_button_press(self, ctx: lightbulb.components.MenuContext) -> None:
        # Edit the message containing the buttons with the new content, and
        # remove all the attached components.
        await ctx.respond("Button pressed!", edit=True, components=[])
        # Stop listening for additional interactions for this menu

class MyCommand(lightbulb.SlashCommand, name="test, description="test"):
    async def invoke(self, ctx: lightbulb.Context, client: lightbulb.Client) -> None:
        menu = MyMenu()
        resp = await ctx.respond("Menu testing", components=menu)

        # Run the menu, and catch a timeout if one occurs
            await menu.attach(client, wait=True, timeout=30)
        except asyncio.TimeoutError:
            await ctx.edit_response(resp, "Timed out!", components=[])


You should always pass a timeout, unless you wish the menu to be persistent. If you do not set a timeout, then the number of active menus will grow forever, along with the memory usage of your program.


There are no checks added to menus by default to ensure that only one user can interact with any menu. If you wish to restrict a menu to only a single user (or add other checks) you should override the predicate() method of your menu class. This can be used to prevent invocation of button (or select) logic to disallowed users.


It is recommended that you create a new instance of your menu every time you send it for the first time - otherwise multiple invocations could potentially interact with each other in unexpected ways.

Once you have sent your menu, and it is processing interactions, you can safely modify the menu from within your component callbacks in any way - change attributes of the components, add components, remove components, etc. If, within a component callback, you wish to resend the menu with a response (after changing anything) - you can pass rebuild_menu=True, or components=self to the context respond call .

A Note on Select Components

When adding a select menu to a component menu you must store it as an instance variable. If you do not do this then getting the selected values for it will not be typed correctly.

You can get the selected values for a select menu using the selected_values_for() method.

import lightbulb

class MyMenu(lightbulb.components.Menu):
    def __init__(self) -> None: = self.add_text_select(["foo", "bar", "baz"], self.on_select)

    async def on_select(self, ctx: lightbulb.components.MenuContext) -> None:
        await ctx.respond(f"Selected: {ctx.selected_values_for(}")


Exported Members

The following members are exported to the top level of this package and so can be accessed using lightbulb.components.<member> instead of requiring you to use the full import path.