Version 3 Changelog

Below are all the changelogs for the new versions of hikari-lightbulb (version 3.0.0 to present).

v3.0.0a15 (2024-11-22)


  • Menu.attach now returns an instance of MenuHandle instead of a generic awaitable - allowing the menu to be stopped without using a MenuContext or timeout.


  • Changed logging level for exceptions happening in tasks from WARNING to ERROR. (#486)

  • Fix sporadic attribute error when using self.previous_row() within a component menu class.

v3.0.0a14 (2024-10-30)


  • Fixed lightbulb.attachment option, which previously compiled to hikari.OptionType.MENTIONABLE (#472)


  • Add support for Python 3.13

v3.0.0a13 (2024-09-30)


    • Implement injection for union dependencies using Foo | Bar. If any of the requested dependencies are not registered, it will fall back to the next in the union.

    • Implement injection for optional dependencies using Foo | None. If all the requested dependencies are not registered, it will fall back to None.

    • Implement injection ‘meta annotations’ (Try[] and If[]) allowing modifying of the fall-back behaviour.


  • Add name argument to the hook() decorator and name attribute to ExecutionHook.

  • Prefab cooldown hooks now register an instance of CommandCooldown as a dependency when they are executed.


  • Fix KeyError preventing error handlers being loaded from extensions.

  • Fix menu task exceptions being logged even if they were raised previously.

v3.0.0a12 (2024-08-30)

Breaking Changes

  • Menu.attach now has the wait parameter set to True by default, and the timeout parameter set to 30s by default.


  • Fix DI creating a new default container every time instead of reusing the existing one.

  • Fixed DI failing when trying to create dependencies with more complex dependency trees.

v3.0.0a11 (2024-08-29)


    • Improved container hierarchical dependency resolution process.

    • Add significantly more DEBUG logging throughout the DI pipeline.

    • DependencyInjectionManager.enter_context now needs to be called for every context you wish to enter; it will no longer enter the default context automatically.

    • DependencyInjectionManager.enter_context now searches the existing container hierarchy to find an existing container for the passed context before trying to create a new one.

    • DependencyInjectionManager.enter_context now returns a no-op container implementation instead of None if DI is disabled globally.


  • Fix default injection container being closed when explicitly entering the DEFAULT DI context.


  • Add has_roles check to the prefab subpackage. (#447)

  • Add set_timeout method to MenuContext. (#448)

  • Add client attribute to ModalContext and MenuContext.

  • Add enable_all_components and disable_all_components methods to Menu.

  • Add registered_commands and invokable_commands properties to Client.

v3.0.0a10 (2024-08-15)


  • Update code examples for version 3 from version 2. (#436)


  • Add a component and modal handler implementation. You can use these to more easily handle the creation and execution of message components, as well as submitted modal forms. (#438)

Deprecations and Removals

  • The ephemeral argument for Context.defer() is now keyword-only.

v3.0.0a9 (2024-08-08)


  • Add prefab subpackage containing some simple built-in hooks. More will continue to be added.

  • utils.get_command_data() now works for groups and subgroups.


  • Switch to using types from instead of typing wherever possible.

v3.0.0a8 (2024-07-29)


  • Add hooks parameter to client_from_app - allowing commands to inherit common hooks from the client. (#430)


  • Fix autocomplete callbacks not being called if the option had localization enabled.

  • Fix command parameter validation failing sometimes when using long localization keys.

  • Fix subcommands with localization enabled not being invoked as expected.

  • Slightly improved performance of invoking nested subcommands.

Deprecations and Removals

    • Client.register_deferred has been removed. You should now use Client.register(defer_guilds=True) instead.

    • guilds kwarg for Client.register has new semantics. Read the docstring for more information.


  • Removed HookFailedException. ExecutionPipelineFailedException now has two attributes containing the hooks that failed, and the exception that caused them to fail. You may need to update your error handler to reflect this.

v3.0.0a7 (2024-07-23)


  • Dependency injection system has been completely rewritten to make it much more flexible and powerful. See the dependencies guide on the ‘By Examples’ page for details on the new implementation. (#428)

Deprecations and Removals

    • Removed lightbulb.with_di, it has been replaced by lightbulb.di.with_di

    • Removed lightbulb.INJECTED, it has been replaced by lightbulb.di.INJECTED

    • Removed Client.di.register_dependency - see the dependencies guide for details on the replacement


v3.0.0a6 (2024-07-18)


  • Add support for unloading and atomic reloading of extensions.

  • Implement repeating tasks - including uniform and cron-based triggers and support within extensions.


  • Fix limit for message ID length for options name and description when using GnuLocalizationProvider. (#427)

  • Fix localization not being supported correctly for commands using deferred guild registration.

Deprecations and Removals

  • The unload() method is now required to be implemented for Loaders.

v3.0.0a5 (2024-07-13)


  • Refactor ExecutionPipelineFailedException to make writing error handlers more intuitive.


  • Fix incorrect assertion error happening sometimes when a subcommand is invoked.

v3.0.0a4 (2024-07-02)


  • Add ephemeral convenience argument to Context.respond.

  • Add ability to localize choice names.

v3.0.0a3 (2024-06-28)


  • Add PRE_INVOKE execution step to default execution step order.

  • Add ability for Loadable.listeners to listen for multiple event types.


  • Fix not being able to access option values when their name and description are localized.

v3.0.0a2 (2024-06-20)


  • A plugin for IntelliJ-based IDEs has been released to add autocompletion and type checking support for command parameters. It supports Lightbulb from this version and later. More features are planned.


  • Use interaction.registered_guild_id when resolving command interactions to prevent issues where guild commands would sometimes be invoked instead of global commands. (#426)

Improved Documentation

  • Documentation has been reworked to look nicer and function better. A Lightbulb-by-example section is in-progress for better tutorials and explanations for users of the library.

v3.0.0a1 (2024-06-09)


  • Add lightbulb.INJECTED flag for dependency injection typing improvements (#424)