
Now that your bot is coming along nicely, you are likely thinking about adding some features that may require data storage (i.e. a database) - or maybe you are using an API you need a client for. In these cases, a database or API client would be considered a dependency.

Lightbulb includes a dependency injection (DI) framework to help you manage the different dependencies required by your bot to function. This allows you to forget about having to keep global state or pass objects around throughout your application and have the dependencies “magically appear” when you need them.


You can provide dependencies to any part of your application using dependency injection. If the code is being executed during a command execution, listener invocation (loaders only), error handler, or task, then DI is available.

Let us assume you want to provide an aiohttp.ClientSession that is accessible in any DI enabled function.

  1. Prequisites (hikari bot and lightbulb client)

import hikari
import lightbulb

bot = hikari.GatewayBot("YOUR_TOKEN")
client = lightbulb.client_from_app(bot)

bot.subscribe(hikari.StartingEvent, client.start)
  1. Register your dependency

import aiohttp

    aiohttp.ClientSession, lambda: aiohttp.ClientSession()
  1. Use the dependency

class YourCommand(...):
    async def invoke(self, ctx: lightbulb.Context, cs: aiohttp.ClientSession) -> None:
        # The 'cs' parameter was passed the client session for you to use in your function
  1. Done! It’s really that simple!

The rest of this page is geared more towards advanced users that wish to be able to use the dependency injection to its full potential. It is much more powerful than outlined in the example above and can enable some more advanced techniques during development of your bot.

Try not to get overwhelmed, and if you have problems understanding anything don’t be afraid to ask for help in the Discord server.

How the DI System Works

Lightbulb’s dependency injection works using a context hierarchy. Later contexts inherit the dependencies of earlier ones, but can also have their own dependencies that are lifecycled alongside the topmost context. The base context - called DEFAULT - is what contains the ‘globally’ available dependencies. All further contexts are derived from this base context.

Lightbulb provides 5 different contexts by default, each available under specific circumstances only. These are:

  • DEFAULT - always available during all Lightbulb controlled flows

  • COMMAND - available only during command execution (including hooks and error handlers)

  • AUTOCOMPLETE - available only during autocomplete handler execution

  • LISTENER - available only during listener execution; specifically only available for listeners registered to Loaders

  • TASK - available only during task execution.

The diagram below represents a simplified version of how Lightbulb handles function calls that require dependency injection. A ‘Flow’ is something that has its own context allocated to it. Commands, autocomplete, etc - as outlined above.

        %%{init: {'theme':'light'}}%%
    participant Client
    participant Flow
    participant FlowContext
    participant Method

    Client ->> Client: Enter default context
    loop Command, autocomplete, listener, task, etc.
        Client ->>+ Flow: Start flow
        Flow -->>+ FlowContext: Enter flow-specific context
        Flow ->>+ Method: Call injection-enabled method
        Method -->> FlowContext: Resolve dependencies
        FlowContext -->> Method: Provide dependencies
        Method ->> Method: Invoke
        Method ->>- Flow: Return result
        FlowContext -->>- Flow: Cleanup flow-specific context
        Flow ->>- Client: End Flow
    Client ->> Client: Cleanup default context
        %%{init: {'theme':'dark'}}%%
    participant Client
    participant Flow
    participant FlowContext
    participant Method

    Client ->> Client: Enter default context
    loop Command, autocomplete, listener, task, etc.
        Client ->>+ Flow: Start flow
        Flow -->>+ FlowContext: Enter flow-specific context
        Flow ->>+ Method: Call injection-enabled method
        Method -->> FlowContext: Resolve dependencies
        FlowContext -->> Method: Provide dependencies
        Method ->> Method: Invoke
        Method ->>- Flow: Return result
        FlowContext -->>- Flow: Cleanup flow-specific context
        Flow ->>- Client: End Flow
    Client ->> Client: Cleanup default context

Registering and Resolving

The dependency injection system stores dependencies in objects called ‘registries’. These contain the instructions that allow ‘containers’ to create and supply the dependencies when they are required. Registries on their own cannot provide dependencies.

To register a dependency you first need to get the registry for the context you want to add the dependency for, and then register the dependency with the registry. For example, registering an aiohttp.ClientSession that you want to be available throughout the entire client lifecycle.

import aiohttp

import lightbulb

client = lightbulb.client_from_app(...)
# Get the registry for the default context
registry = client.di.registry_for(lightbulb.di.Contexts.DEFAULT)
# Register our new dependency
registry.register_factory(aiohttp.ClientSession, lambda: aiohttp.ClientSession())


Ideally, you should register all your dependencies before the client is started, as once a container is created for a registry - that registry is frozen and no new dependencies can be registered to it. There is a way to get around this - mentioned later - but try to make sure that all your dependencies are registered ahead-of-time.

Automatically Registered Dependencies

Lightbulb registers some dependencies for you by default for each of the different contexts. These are as followed:









Additionally, when using either hikari.GatewayBot or hikari.RESTBot, the following dependencies are registered for the DEFAULT context:

  • hikari.GatewayBot

  • hikari.api.EventManager

  • hikari.RESTBot

  • hikari.api.InteractionServer

Dependencies with Dependencies

When registering a dependency, you can either register it by factory or by value. If registering by factory, the given factory method is permitted to require dependencies of its own - they will be fulfilled before that dependency is supplied. For example, lets say we have a configuration class that contains the base URL we want to pass to our ClientSession.

import aiohttp

import lightbulb

class Config:
    base_url: str

client = lightbulb.client_from_app(...)
registry = client.di.registry_for(lightbulb.di.Contexts.DEFAULT)
registry.register_value(Config, Config())

# Define the factory dependencies using type hints.
# A valid factory must pass all the following conditions for every parameter:
# - MUST not have a default value, unless the default value is exactly 'lightbulb.di.INJECTED'
# - MUST not be positional only, var positional (*args), or var keyword (**kwargs)
# - SHOULD have a type-hint. If no type-hint provided, a dependency will attempt to be resolved from the parameter name
#   ^^^ this **ONLY** applies to factory methods - for injectable methods, type-hints MUST be provided
def create_client_session(cfg: Config) -> aiohttp.ClientSession:
    return aiohttp.ClientSession(cfg.base_url)

registry.register_factory(aiohttp.ClientSession, create_client_session)

If you try to register a dependency whose factory directly depends on itself, a CircularDependencyException will be raised.

Multiple Dependencies of the Same Type

As you have seen above, when registering a dependency you must tell the registry what type to register that dependency as. Above we have only used concrete types, but Lightbulb also supports using typing.NewType to create a new type to represent your dependency. This can be useful if you need to maintain connections to multiple databases or similar etc.

from typing import NewType

import aiohttp

import lightbulb

client = lightbulb.client_from_app(...)
registry = client.di.registry_for(lightbulb.di.Contexts.DEFAULT)
# Create a new type to represent your dependency
ClientSession1 = NewType("ClientSession1", aiohttp.ClientSession)
ClientSession2 = NewType("ClientSession2", aiohttp.ClientSession)
# Register the dependencies
registry.register_factory(ClientSession1, lambda: aiohttp.ClientSession())
registry.register_factory(ClientSession2, lambda: aiohttp.ClientSession())

# You must then refer using the new type where you want them to be injected
# For this reason it is recommended you define the new types within a separate file, so they can be easily reused
async def example(cs1: ClientSession1, cs2: ClientSession2) -> None:


If you are using Python 3.12 or higher, you can also use a type statement to create the new type.

import aiohttp

# The same as using 'NewType' above
type ClientSession1 = aiohttp.ClientSession
type ClientSession2 = aiohttp.ClientSession

Ephemeral Dependencies

Before understanding ephemeral (temporary) dependencies, you first need to understand how dependencies are provided to the application during runtime. This is done using dependency ‘containers’. When created, containers are given a registry that the container can provide dependencies from. As mentioned before, once created, the registry backing the container is frozen and hence cannot have additional dependencies registered to it.

There is however a method to register additional dependencies directly with the container once it has been created. For example, Lightbulb registers the command context this way as it is not possible for it to be created from a factory or the value known beforehand.

Any dependency directly registered with a container is known as an ephemeral dependency. These dependencies follow the lifecycle of the container and are destroyed once the container is closed. You can register an ephemeral dependency using either of the following methods:

Getting the current active container in order to add an ephemeral dependency to it will be addressed in the next section.

Overriding Dependencies and Scoped Resolution

As mentioned before, Lightbulb provides multiple injection contexts that you can register dependencies to. Each of these contexts has a different lifetime for the container’s created from them, which corresponds to the type of context.

  • DEFAULT - the entire length of the application

  • COMMAND - the entire length of a command execution, including execution of all hooks and error handlers. A new Container will be created for each distinct command invocation.

  • AUTOCOMPLETE - the entire length of an autocomplete execution. A new Container will be created for each distinct autocomplete invocation.

  • LISTENER - the entire length of a listener execution. A new Container will be created for each distinct listener invocation.

  • TASK - the entire length of a task execution. A new Container will be created for each distinct invocation of each task.

Overriding dependencies occurs when a child container has a dependency of the same type defined in the parent container - either ephemerally, or from the child’s registry. Any injection done using the child container will then use the overridden value instead of the original from the parent. Any dependencies defined in the parent CANNOT access the new overridden one.

Scoped Dependency Resolution
  1. Providing Dependencies:

    A container (think of it as a box) holds and provides various dependencies (think of these as tools). For example, the DefaultContainer might provide a DatabaseService.

  2. Dependencies with Their Own Dependencies:

    Some dependencies need other dependencies to function. For example, a UserService might require a DatabaseService.

  3. Parent-Child Container Relationship:

    Containers can have hierarchical relationships. A CommandContainer will inherit dependencies from the DefaultContainer, as all context-specific containers are created with the DefaultContainer as the base.

  4. Overriding Dependencies in Child Containers:

    If a CommandContainer defines a dependency with the same type as the DefaultContainer, this is called overriding. Only dependencies within the CommandContainer and any of its children can access the overridden value.

  5. Resolving Dependencies:

    • When trying to resolve a dependency, a container first looks in its own scope.

    • It can also look into its child containers if needed.

    • It never looks into its parent containers for dependencies.

Theoretical Example

An example container structure

    |- DatabaseService
    |- LoggingService
    |- ChildContainer
        |- DatabaseService (overridden)
        |- UserService (depends on DatabaseService)
  1. Initial Setup:

    MainContainer provides DatabaseService and LoggingService. ChildContainer is derived from MainContainer.

  2. Overriding Dependency:

    ChildContainer overrides DatabaseService with a new configuration.

  3. Dependency Resolution:

    UserService in ChildContainer will use the DatabaseService provided by ChildContainer, not MainContainer. LoggingService in ChildContainer will still use the LoggingService from MainContainer since it was not overridden.


Once you have registered some dependencies, you probably want to be able to use them somewhere in the application.

Injection Context

Lightbulb’s dependency injection relies on an injection context being available when the method that requires dependencies is called. Most of the time you do not need to have to worry about setting this up - if the dependency is requested during a Lightbulb-managed flow (i.e. command invocation, autocomplete, error handling) then a context will always be available.

If, for some reason, you need to set up this context manually, you can do so using the provided context manager DependencyInjectionManager.enter_context() (using the client’s DI manager, Client.di).

Enabling Injection

Lightbulb will enable dependency injection on a specific subset of your methods for you when using specific decorators.

These are listed below:

If you need to enable dependency injection on other functions, you can decorate it with @lightbulb.di.with_di - from then on, each time the function is called, lightbulb will attempt to dependency inject suitable parameters.


For a parameter to be suitable for dependency injection, it needs to match the following rules:

  • It must have a type annotation

  • It has no default value, or a default value of exactly lightbulb.di.INJECTED

  • It cannot be positional-only, var-positional, or var-keyword (injected parameters are always passed using keywords)

Injecting Containers

When a container is active, it automatically registers itself as a dependency of the type Container. Along with this, when you enter one of the Lightbulb-defined contexts, a special type is registered which is the container for that specific context. These are as follows:

You can use any of these types within your injection-enabled functions in order to access them if you wish to register some ephemeral dependencies to them.

When using Container as the type hint, the passed value will be the most-recently activated container for the current context. I.e. within a command it would return the same value as the type hint CommandContainer.


Simple example using an aiohttp.ClientSession:

import aiohttp
import hikari
import lightbulb

bot = hikari.GatewayBot(...)
client = lightbulb.client_from_app(bot)
# Register the dependency - as seen before
    lambda: aiohttp.ClientSession()

class ExampleCommand(lightbulb.SlashCommand, name="example", description="example"):
    async def invoke(self, ctx: lightbulb.Context, cs: aiohttp.ClientSession):
        # The 'cs' parameter will be injected upon the command being called


Some dependencies need to be cleaned up once the bot stops. Lightbulb allows you to do this by providing a teardown callback when registering your dependencies. This callback can only take a single argument, which will be the dependency that is being torn-down. These teardown methods will be called for all dependencies once the container for that dependency is closed.

For flow-specific dependencies, the teardown will be run when that flow is finished. For example, a command-only dependency will be cleaned up once the execution of that command - including any hooks and error handlers - has completed.

For any dependencies added to the DEFAULT context, in order for the teardown callbacks to be called you must close the Lightbulb client by calling the method Client.stop(). It is recommended that you hook into the Hikari bot’s lifecycle in order to do this.

import hikari
import lightbulb

bot = hikari.GatewayBot(...)
client = lightbulb.client_from_app(bot)
# Register Client.stop to be called when the bot is stopped
bot.subscribe(hikari.StoppingEvent, client.stop)
import hikari
import lightbulb

bot = hikari.RESTBot(...)
client = lightbulb.client_from_app(bot)
# Register Client.stop to be called when the bot is stopped

Union and Optional Dependencies

When injecting dependencies into either a dependency factory method, or a dependency injection enabled function - Lightbulb supports specifying unions in order to allow for fallbacks when one or more dependencies are not registered.

For example, if you want to use the same factory method for both command and autocomplete invocations, you could do the following:

async def dependency_factory(ctx: lightbulb.Context | lightbulb.AutocompleteContext) -> Foo:

In this case, Lightbulb would recognise when Context isn’t available in the container and would provide AutocompleteContext instead.

Similarly, the special case typing.Optional (typing.Optional[Foo] or Foo | None) is supported - when the parameter is needed to be injected, Lightbulb will check if the dependency Foo exists in the container, if not, the parameter value will be None instead of the created dependency.

Modifying Resolution Behaviour

The default behaviour for resolving union dependencies works as follows:

  • Check dependencies in the order specified in the union

  • For each dependency, check if it is registered to the container (or a parent container)

  • If registered, return that dependency

  • Otherwise, check the next dependency in the sequence

Lightbulb provides some “meta annotations” that allow you to slightly alter this behaviour. For example, you could change it so that if creating one of the dependencies fails (even if it is registered), then Lightbulb will try to fall back to the next dependency in the sequence.

from lightbulb.di import Try

async def dependency_factory(foo: Try[Bar] | Baz) -> Bork:

In the above example, Try[] acts as a modifier that tells the injection system to always attempt to create the enclosed dependency, and fall back if creation fails. If Try[] was not included, then an error would be raised if creation of the Bar dependency failed - and the method would not be called.


The absense of a “meta annotation” is functionally identical to the dependency type being enclosed within an If[].

E.g. the following two examples will function the same way

async def dependency_factory(foo: Bar) -> Baz:
from lightbulb.di import If

async def dependency_factory(foo: If[Bar]) -> Baz:



A basic worked example with a working command you should be able to drop straight into your own bot.

import aiohttp
import hikari
import lightbulb

# Returns a random 200x200 image when fetched with a GET request

# Initialise the bot and Lightbulb client
bot = hikari.GatewayBot("your token")
client = lightbulb.client_from_app(bot)
# Hook client into bot's lifecycle
bot.subscribe(hikari.StartingEvent, client.start)
bot.subscribe(hikari.StoppingEvent, client.stop)

# Define the dependency teardown method
async def close_client_session(cs: aiohttp.ClientSession) -> None:
    await cs.close()

# Register the dependency we want to use later
    lambda: aiohttp.ClientSession(),

class RandomImage(
    description="Generates a random image using the picsum API"
    # The 'lightbulb.invoke` decorator enables dependency injection on the function, so we
    # do not need to include the 'lightbulb.di.with_di' decorator here
    async def invoke(self, ctx: lightbulb.Context, cs: aiohttp.ClientSession) -> None:
        # Fetch the image using the injected ClientSession dependency
        async with cs.get(RANDOM_IMAGE_URL) as resp:
            image = await
        # Respond to the command with the image
        await ctx.respond(hikari.Bytes(image, "image.jpg"))

# Run the bot

Flow-scoped Dependencies

A more advanced example implementing a basic currency system with wallets stored in Redis. We use a command-scoped dependency to fetch and save the wallet changes automatically within each command.

import os

import hikari
import lightbulb
import redis.asyncio as redis

class Wallet:
    def __init__(self, r: redis.Redis, user_id: str, balance: int = 0) -> None:
        self.r = r
        self.user_id = user_id
        self.balance = balance

    # We are going to call this in our teardown function for the Wallet dependency
    # so that it gets saved back to Redis automatically
    async def save(self) -> None:
        await self.r.set(self.user_id, str(self.balance))

# Initialise the bot and Lightbulb client
bot = hikari.GatewayBot("your token")
client = lightbulb.client_from_app(bot)
# Hook client into bot's lifecycle
bot.subscribe(hikari.StartingEvent, client.start)
bot.subscribe(hikari.StoppingEvent, client.stop)

# Register the redis client as a dependency
    lambda: redis.from_url(os.environ["REDIS_URL"]),

# Define the factory for creating the Wallet instance
async def get_wallet(r: redis.Redis, ctx: lightbulb.Context) -> Wallet:
    balance: bytes | None = await r.get(user_id := str(
    return Wallet(r, user_id, 0 if balance is None else int(balance.decode("utf-8")))

# Register the wallet as a dependency for the COMMAND injection context
    teardown=lambda w:

class Balance(
    description="Get your current balance",
    # The 'lightbulb.invoke` decorator enables dependency injection on the function, so we
    # do not need to include the 'lightbulb.di.with_di' decorator here
    async def invoke(self, ctx: lightbulb.Context, wallet: Wallet) -> None:
        # The injected value for 'wallet' will be the wallet for the person who invoked the command
        await ctx.respond(f"Your current balance is `{wallet.balance}`.")

# Run the bot
if __name__ == "__main__":

Disabling DI

If you wish to run your application with no dependency injection, Lightbulb allows you to disable the entire system by setting the environment variable LIGHTBULB_DI_DISABLED to false.

This will prevent decorators from wrapping functions to enable DI and will prevent parameter processing from attempting to resolve injectable parameters.


Given that the DI system relies heavily on type-hints, you need to be careful when using:

from __future__ import annotations

Type hints within files containing this import will be evaluated as strings and passed a single context value lightbulb. This means that you cannot have any typehints using an alias to lightbulb (within the TYPE_CHECKING block) such as the below:

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

    import lightbulb as lb  # !!!

# An exception will be thrown when attempting to parse this signature to resolve the dependencies
async def your_method(container: lb.di.Container) -> None:

Make sure that if you are using a lightbulb typehint within a file like this that it is always imported explicitly as lightbulb.